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Vertical Unassembled Gas Fired Boiler Manufacturer

Vertical Unassembled Gas Fired Boiler Manufacturer

Vertical unassembled gas fired boiler(Vertical field assembled gas fired boiler) mostly adopts π-type layout and its design structure is similar to that of external circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler.

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Vertical Unassembled Gas Fired Boiler Manufacturer

Type: steam boiler or hot water boiler

Capacity:75 ton

Heat Rate: 90%-97%

Application: power plant

Vertical unassembled gas fired boiler(Vertical field assembled gas fired boiler) mostly adopts π-type layout and its design structure is similar to that of external circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler.

Compared with SZS gas fired water tube boiler, it has the following feature:

1.Higher steam pressure. Steam pressure of SZS gas fired boiler is mostly at or below 3.82Mpa, While pressure of vertical unassembled gas fired boiler is equivalent to that of external circulating fluidized bed boiler. Therefore, steam quality of vertical field assembled gas fired boiler is better and is mostly used as auxiliary of power generating, so it can called as gas fired power plant boiler.

2.Flexible burner layout. For vertical gas fired boiler, either hedge -type layout or tangentially-arranged is available, while burner of SZS gas-fired boiler can only be arranged in the front.

3.Wide fuel adaptability. Due to large heating area layout of vertical unassembled gas-fired boiler, thus when the fuel is changed, steam capacity of boiler will not vary too much.

4.Boiler width ad height of vertical field-assembled gas fired boiler is rather large for the convenience of inspection.

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